
Germany and Atomic Bomb

    It was obvious that the use of the atomic bomb would shortened the war with Japan. After Germany surrendered, it was found that they were working on an atomic bomb. Thus, it was  evidenced that potentially all wartime nations were working on this. So the war needed to be ended before the Japanese could develop one.

Letter from U.S. Senator

   This is an example of the emotions of the people because it shows that most people were so tired and emotional about the war that they just wanted all of the suffering and the war to end. Also, it shows that dealing with a country that was fanatical would never give up.

Leaflet Warnings
 This was a leaflet dropped to the civilians. This was showing the civilians that we wanted the war to end and that their government wasn't trying to end it. The leaflet outlined that their government leaders refused to surrender, risking these civilian's lives by continuing the war. It also called for the Japanese civilians to petition their government to end the war or the United States would have to forcefully end the war. It also ask the Japanese civilians to evacuate their cities. This leaflet to civilians shows that the United States was resorting desperate measures to try to keep from using the atomic bombs.

A Race of Atomic Discovery
   This talks about how the allies knew that they were in a race of atomic discovery against the enemy and that we did not know how far they had gotten. It also talks about the Japanese leaders refusing to surrender, not caring about nor attempting to spare more of their people's lives. Also talks about how far advanced we found the Germans to be after their surrender. Thus, we suspected that the Japanese could have been as advanced.

Invasion of Japanese Home Islands

  This document talks about the difficulties of the invasion of Japanese home islands and how it would be much more difficult than the invasion of Germany.It also talks about the high levels of casualties for the allies. Also talks about the Japanese military defense and how it would be difficult for us to overcome them.

Japanese Army Command Directives

  This shows that the Japanese were willing to do anything but surrender in the war. They were planning on increasing their training and suicide units on land, sea, and air. Also the United States military planners were so worried about the buildup of the Japanese military to defend the islands that they were then reconsidering their invasion plans because of all of the casualties they may have had to suffer.

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